Wednesday, June 23, 2010

SuperMan of Three

Three years old
can't contain you:
& heart
Three's being forced
at the seams to
release you
but not gingerly so.

Crash! You race in to
Boom! You break in to
Shwwwp! You fly through the air
with Spiderman's ease
Superman's face
Wolverine's fearsome stare

You're the unlikeliest of superheroes
The SuperMan of Three
The one who has manners
The one who protects us
The one fighting bad guys
in his dreams

Such a big boy you're turning into
We're swelling out with pride,
(bursting at our own seams)
because you have manners
because such devotion
because the kindest we've seen.

My breathe catches deep
inside my chest
when you look to see
those eyes
such truth, such life,
such honor
so beholden on to me

"Mommy, lay here and tell me stories,
Which one do you like best?
Where do fireflies go in winter?
Will you miss me when I'm a man?"

Oh how I'll miss you, my little boy,
my darlingest of thieves
you stole my heart in two seconds flat,
right from under me.
Now here you are so pure & wondrous
for all the world to see
I'll hold that hand of yours tomorrow
until you fall asleep.

Then one day I'll release you
I'll be forced to know
You'll be ready, you'll be him then
That man into whom you'll grow
The one you speak of?
Living independently?
I won't see him standing there,
I'll see my SuperMan of Three.


pajama mom said...

teary here.
i just can't believe
he is three.
can't be!

OSMA said...

3 and 8 months if you ask him. :(

Cristie Ritz King, M. Ed said...

"Will you miss me when I'm a man?" More than you'll ever know.

OSMA said...

it's killing me already. those darn boys.

DJ Pecor said...

Do you ever get tired of making your brother cry? Hug and kiss my little man and squeeze my little girl. I miss you all...