Monday, June 7, 2010

In Questionable Taste

*** Disclaimer- if you're related to me, you might want to skip this post. Just a warning b/c the next few sentences could make you a tad bit uncomfortable. If you're all about bygones, then by all means...

Scene: Driving back home from running errands. Kids fading in carseats. Max & Ruby theme song still playing in the background.

Husband: That hotel doesn't look all that bad.

Me: Are you trying to get with me?

Husband: The pool looks crowded, can't be that bad of a place.

Me: Are you trying to get with me in a pool?

Husband: Oooh, nice car.

Me: I think that's a motel. Not a hotel. Motels are all one level, ground level, right? HOtels are high rises I think.

Husband: No. It's a hotel. Hoes go to HOtels. It's how I remember it.

Me: It's a motel. Ho. No Mo. It's how I remember it.

Husband: Freak.

Me: Fo Sho.

1 comment:

Cristie Ritz King, M. Ed said...

Hilarious. So. so. so. hilarious.
"Are you trying to get with me?"