Saturday, November 7, 2009

Sweet Enough to Eat

If you're in the DC/Baltimore area and need a cake or cupcake fix for the holidays please keep my sister-in-law, Christie, in mind. She is starting up her own side business and is selling these little edible gems strictly by word-of-mouth.

She is very talented and her cakes are not only professional but they taste out of this world too. She made this precious little dinosaur for Grayson's first birthday.

Here are some more recent goodies she's cooked up for birthday parties and special events. Please click on the image to see the entire picture. I copied pictures from her facebook page and apparently I threw my blog html into a tizzy so forgive the typos if you will!

Please feel free to respond to this or contact Christie directly:
If given a week's notice, Christie can whip you up a homemade delectable that will be the hit of your party and with your tastebuds too. Believe me, you will almost not want to cut into your cake because you won't want to be the bunny killer (although Eric didn't seem to mind much in the picture below.) When you do slice that masterpiece, however, smiles will abound and you'll be so happy you ordered from Christie!