Thursday, September 24, 2009

Sandbox Surprise

Yesterday we found this little beauty (okay, that's the Australian version but still) in our sandbox out back.

I have been suspicious of this sandbox since we moved here and especially since a friend of mine recently remarked, "Oh, you have one here!" She was surprised because she explained how her sandbox was too much a haven for bugs, spiders, and larvae (um, no!) to have in her backyard, much less plop her beloved daughter right down in the midst of. Evidently ours had gone the way of the arachnids too but yesterday was the first time we became aware that we were not alone.

"Grayson, we're going inside."

"No. I'm going to play a couple few more minutes, Mommy."

"No, Honey, we're going inside now." I tried to convey my seriousness to him without fear or alarm. I figured I had about point 20 seconds before my freak out face gave me away.

Quietly and quickly I collected baby, telephone, and sunscreen..."C'mon, we're going inside now, Baby."

"Why, Mommy, we just got out here and I want to play in the sand."

"Because," I glanced over to the looming venomous deathtrap who wasn't even trying to hide himself from the humans, "Because OhMyGodLookat that thing it's huge, holycrap would you lookat that thing!"

"What? What is it, Mommy? What? What?"

"Holy Fight, that thing is huge and it's just waiting there wanting to eat us, it's huge! Look at its legs (shudder shudder) eeeek!"

"It's going to eat us, Mommy?" Way to go Einstein, now it'll be purple mong'sters and carnivorous spiders. He's totally sleeping in our bed until his feet dangle over the side and he has acne.

"Let's go Mommy, let's get out of here!"

That's my boy. We never looked back. And come to think of it, we didn't even close the lid.
Uh oh. Now it's big, venomous, and free to roam its skinny little violin body wherever it so chooses.

So today we're off to Home Depot. I'm in the market for caulking, lots and lots of caulking.


pajama mom said...


OSMA said...

right?!?!? just can't deal w/pencil-length spider legs close to my children. can't.

Jessica said...


I had a run in with a scorpion one night and it was nothing short of a miracle that I didn't scream bloody murder (the baby had JUST gone down). It took every once of control I had to yell for my husband in a semi-normal voice, but it was still just crazed-sounding enough to make him come running without waking up the baby.

I don't know what would have happened had the baby been in my arms. I might have dropped him!

OSMA said...

jessica- a scorpion? you win. that is up there with vampires and middle age sagging. not in that order.