Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The Case of the Missing Biscuits

Counsel would like the court to note Exhibit A:  Something missing from the pantry.  Hours before, this something was located safely underneath that large box of kitchen bags you see there on the floor.

Counsel would like the court to note Exhibit B:  Perpetrator One pointing to the empty biscuit container with her pretty little guilty face.

Is there anyone in this court of law who might know what happened to the stolen box of biscuits?  Do remember you are under oath.  Please raise your right paw paw if you know what happened to the biscuits.

That's your left paw paw but whatever, thank you for your honesty. 

Now, would Perpetrator Number Two please raise your right paw paw if you ate all the biscuits from the stolen biscuit box?

Thank you, Judge.  I rest my case.

Sadie Girl, you might be 11 years old but you still got moves like Jagger. 


Anna Whiston-Donaldson said...

Hilarious! I love them in their guilty cuteness.

OSMA said...

Anna, wait till you read today's post. Sadie is coming out of anesthesia's that for a cliffhanger?