Tuesday, January 8, 2013

New Look for OSMA

Since I am changing the format of One-Sided Momma, I thought I'd make it official with a new look.

What do you think?

I know, I don't really love it either. 

I'll spend some time on it in the coming months to make it seem more like home.

In the meantime, I wanted to welcome you to One-Sided Momma's "new" place and thank you all for rolling with the unfamiliar for a little while.

Don't worry, it won't take me long to muck up all this new white space with some dirt.



A Speckled Trout said...

I am needing to shake my blog up as well. Can't decide what I want and I can't get any input from the more technically savvy ones around here, but I am inspired by you. I like the white, but that may be due to spending the afternoon trying (in vain) to get minwax stain off my favorite white shirt :(

ries said...

I love the winter tree. Seeing them pasted on the sky like that makes me think I should be able to draw. I like the shaking up of your blog--brave move.

OSMA said...

ASpeckT - Deciding is the tough part. I tend to make a quick choice and tweak from there. Full disclosure: There was a different design I liked (the one I think you originally saw), I tweaked it and could no longer figure out how to sign in and post. Oh, it hurts to not use all of the brain sometimes.

ries - yay, glad you love the winter tree, i do too! i know what you mean, the tree is begging to be sketched but it would turn out a stump with several eyelashes if i tried. thank you for thinking it's brave to shake up the blog. it feels risky (?) to me, but right.