Thursday, May 6, 2010

A Not So Gentle Reminder

see if you can spot the children.

see if you can spot the rug.

see if you hear me scream.

The original post for today was going to be these three pictures with this caption: "Is a washed face, deodorant, and make-up really worth it?" however about 4 seconds post shooting that last picture, I just about had my head severed from my body by our ceiling fan. It was such a hard hit that I actually heard the impact before I felt it. Much like a car crash, only with an imbecile and her phone camera instead of a vehicle and high speeds. The ceiling fan was going very very fast maybe that's why I didn't see it? No. I was reviewing the pictures and scrolling while simultaneously standing on a bed and... so... maybe that's why I didn't see it? Noooo. I was being a jackhole, not paying attention, and standing on my bed to take pictures of what happens when I'm not paying attention and that's why I didn't see it. Ahhhh, the truth is so very unkind. There. Good. At least a minor head injury is out of the way for the day. I can now rest easy and know with certainty that when you're acting a fool, the universe will give you a quick crack on the hairline of your skull as a reminder to shape up or lie down.



pajama mom said...

ouch! awesome pics though.

our house =
dinner - is it worth it?
going to the bathroom alone -
is it worth it?
shave, or not - is it worth it?
sure, i might get this bathroom clean - but is it worth it?!?

love it!

OSMA said...

it definitely is always a trade off, isn't it? since the near be-heading incident, i have slacked off housework and am going to have to hire out a sitter to catch up!