Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Yikes, it's already the end of Oct. and I haven't written since the beginning. I'm sorry my devoted bloggees. I will try to be more together in the future (she says with a hint of dubious self-doubt).

First off, I have to tout the newest read. Emergency read actually if you're curious. After the kind of weekend Andy and I had, we needed parental help in the form of tantrum intervention. Grayson's tantrums, not mine. That's a whole 'nother blog baby ;) Yesiree the terrible twos started like clockwork on Oct. 9, 2008. Funny that my last blog was around then....

The Happiest Toddler on the Block by Dr. Harvey Karp, M.D.

I would attend this man's church if he started one. Seriously I find this author a bona-fide tried and true genius although I realize it probably took him over 15 years in practice to come to his simple recipes and formulas for taming wild toddler meltdowns. I'm just happy he decided to sell his book at Target since that seems to be the only store my van can find these days. Bad habits die hard.

I'd love to sit here and write a book but my brain is barely moving forward and my feet look like flesh colored miniature watermelons (not so mini now that I glance down at them) so I'm afraid I've got to wait until a better opportunity presents itself. However, I want to leave you with a funny story or one that I found simply delightful relating to these new Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde emotional spirals...

So, every night I sing Grayson to sleep or a phase so close to sleep that my shirt has little puddles of his drool on it when I walk out of his room (sorry, what's charming to me is probably disgusting for you!). To get him close to that comfy place of snuggling into his crib I sing the same four songs to him every night. After reading the above mentioned book I came to realize that this is yet another form of a "lovey" for some children. I've learned now that Grayson finds "quicky comfort" from knowing what to expect from these songs he now knows word for word. The songs usually come out in this order:

Sidewalks of New York
Teddybear Picnic
Frosty the Snowman
Jingle Bells

I know, I know, it's still a long haul until Christmas but when I'm tired all lyrics fall out of my head save Christmas carols. Hey, I know many of you have no choice but to agree with this :) Anyway, the other night Grayson was "displeased" with something I said to him and decided to throw himself into the stairwell and writhe in agony and despair over despicable Mommy comment. Instead of being a warm, caring and nurturing recipient of this tantrum I instead decided to blow off some of my own hot air and sing a Leona Lewis song-loudly. Well, this just peeled the shingles right off Grayson's roof because he began to wail louder than anything human. It took me a second to realize he was saying something through all that white noise. I stopped singing long enough to recognize his garbled message. "ShideWall! Shidewall" "Shidewall of New Yow-ok" he was screaming as loud as those little lungs would allow. Ah! There you have it. Grayson wanted me to sing one of his favorites. This poor little boy, in the midst of his laborious meltdown found it in his mind to make a request. I guess he figured if he had to listen to Mommy belt something out, he'd be happier to know the words himself. I almost cried when he then shouted, "Frosteee!" with a little smile on his impish face as if he knew damn well that would wipe out any kind of heat either of us were feeling at the same time. Who could still be mad after singing about a jolly happy soul? He's smarter than his Mommy already and he can't even read yet (or so I think!)

G'night and much love,


Tracy G said...

That is so funny!!!!!! I love that he's making song requests!!!! What a riot!!! And fyi, don't feel bad about singing at the top of your lungs to blow off steam...look at the story that developed from the incident! I've put myself in time out numerous times...singing outloud sounds like much more fun! Priceless! I'm so glad you posted, I was feeling so out of touch!
Love you,
Tracy xoxoxo
Please give big hugs and wet kisses

Tracy G said...

continued from last post......Please give big hugs and wet grayson for me! Don't know how I missed those last 4 words! :-)

The Palmer Family said...

I love the Frosty the Snowman technique! I don't think there is a man, woman or child who could resist the jolliness of Frosty! I will definitely try that some time.

For some reason I imagined you singing Grayson Mariah Carey songs!


OSMA said...

Hello Ladies,

Thanks, as always, for being so lovely and leaving messages. I was starting to feel out of touch too, Tracy so I'll try to be better at posting. And Kathleen, I laughed when I read your Mariah Carey comment b/c Grayson can't stand anything but the songs I listed earlier, nursery rhymes, and John Denver! Mariah is lost on him. I think he doesn't like the direction she's taken since the 90s! :)

love you guys,